Curious about the origin of Toraja people? The following explanation.


Toraja traditional belief systems are polytheistic animism called aluk, or "street" (sometimes translated as "law"). In myth Toraja, Toraja ancestors came from heaven by taking the stairs which were later used by the Toraja people as a way of dealing with Puang Matua, the creator god. The universe, according to aluk, the world is divided into upper (Heaven) the human world (earth), and the underworld. At first, heaven and earth to get married and produce darkness, separation, and then comes the light. Animals living in the underworld represented by a rectangular area bounded by the four pillars of the earth is a place for human beings, and paradise is situated on top, covered with saddle roof berbetuk. The gods of other Toraja is Pong Banggai in Rante (god of the earth), Indo 'Ongon-Ongon (goddess of the earthquake), Pong Lalondong (god of death), Indo' Belo tumbles (goddess of treatment), and others.

Power on earth that words and actions must be held both in agriculture and in the life of the funeral, called to minaa (pastor aluk). Aluk not just a belief system, but also a combination of law, religion, and customs. Aluk regulate social life, agricultural practices, and religious rituals. Aluk ordinances can vary from one village to another. One is a common law rule that the ritual of death and life should be separated. Toraja people believe that the ritual of death will destroy the bodies if the implementation combined with the ritual of life. Both are equally important ritual. When there were missionaries from Holland, Christian Toraja are not allowed to attend or perform the rituals of life, but allowed to perform the ritual of death. As a result, the death ritual is still often done up to now, but the ritual has begun life rarely implemented.


Tongkonan is a traditional Toraja house that stood on a pile of wood and decorated with carvings of red, black, and yellow. The word "tongkonan" comes from Toraja tongkon (seated).

traditional Toraja house
traditional Toraja house

Tongkonan is the center of social life of the Toraja. Tongkonan rituals associated with it is important in the spiritual life of the Toraja therefore all family members are required to participate as Tongkonan melambangan their relationship with their fathers. According to folklore Toraja, the house was first built in heaven with four poles. When the ancestors of the Toraja down to earth, he imitated the house and held a large ceremony.

Tongkonan development is tiring work and is usually done with the help of a big family. There are three types of tongkonan namely:

1. Important houses is a supreme power, which is used as the central "government".

2. Tongkonan pekamberan are owned by family members who have certain powers within local customs and traditions

3. Tongkonan stone is the usual residence of family members.

Tongkonan nobility exclusivity on the wane as the number of ordinary people who are looking for lucrative jobs in other areas in Indonesia. Having earned enough money, ordinary people were able to build a large tongkonan.

Wood carving

To demonstrate the concept of religious and social, ethnic Toraja wood carving and call Pa'ssura (or "writing"). Therefore, wood carving embodies Toraja culture.

Each carving has a special name. His motive is usually the animals and plants that symbolizes virtue, for example, water plants such as water weeds and animals such as crabs and tadpoles which symbolizes fertility.

Tau philosophy

Toraja society live and grow up in a society that adheres to the philosophy of tau. Tau philosophy is needed as the handle and the direction of becoming a man (man = "tau" in Toraja) actually in the context of Toraja society. Philosophy tau has four main pillars which requires each community Toraja to reach, among others:

1. Sugi (Rich)
2. Barani (Dare)
3. Manarang (Smart)
4. Kinawa (have noble values, religious, wise)

The four pillars above can not be interpreted freely because it has a deeper meaning than the understanding of the word freely. A Toraja become truly human when he has had and lived as Tau.

So can I say. May be useful. thanks.


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