The Beginning of Ma'nene Tradition. Let's read the explanation

Beginning of Tradition Ma'nene. Ma`nene tale originated from an animal hunter named Pong Rumasek, hundreds of years ago. At that time, he was hunting to get in the mountainous jungle region Balla. Narrated in the middle of the hunt, Pong Rumasek, Toraja residents, found the body of someone who died. The bodies were lying in the middle of the road in a dense forest. His condition was pathetic.

Tradition Ma'nene
Tradition Ma'nene

His body was skeletal. Hearts Pong Rumasek intrigued. He wants to take care of him. The bodies were wrapped in clothes. Having considered safe, Pong Rumasek then resume the hunt. Since that incident, whenever Pong eyeing hunted animal, she always easy to get it, including fruits in the forest. Strange events happening again when Pong Rumasek return home. Abandoned agricultural crops, suddenly harvest faster than his time. In fact, the results are abundant.

Since then, every time hunting in the woods, Pong always see spirits of the dead who never nursed. In fact, these spirits are often invited to hunt herd animals. Pong Rumasek also concluded that the bodies of those who died should remain glorified, even though it just stayed bones. Therefore, once a year after a big harvest in August, every resident Baruppu Ma`nene always held a funeral to honor ancestors, none other than the late Pong Rumasek.

For the people Baruppu, ritual Ma`nene also be interpreted as an adhesive kinship between them. Even Ma`nene become customary unwritten rules that have always adhered to every citizen.

When one of the spouses dies, the bereaved spouse should not be remarried before holding Ma`nene. They consider before implementing ritual Ma`nene, their status is still considered a legitimate couple. But, if it did Ma`nene, then the surviving spouse is considered to have bachelors and eligible to marry again. Ma`nene own ritual performed annually. This is the only heritage that still maintained a regular basis until now. Their loyalty to the ancestral mandate attached to each villager.

Villagers Baruppu believe if inherited customary provisions are violated, the impending disaster that struck the whole village. For example, crop failure or one of the family will suffer prolonged pain. In Bugis, Toraja is defined as one who dwells in the land above or mountains. However, Toraja society itself prefers himself referred to as the Maraya or noble descent named Sawerigading. In contrast to the Toraja in general, people are more familiar Baruppu origins of Ta`dung coming from the sky or clouds.

Eventually Ta`dung sky disguised as hunters settled in the forest area Baruppu and mating with the Goddess of Fertility Earth. Therefore, it is often seen when the Toraja died, his body was always buried in a rock hole. The tradition is closely related to the concept of life Torajanese that sacred ancestors came from the heavens and the earth. Thus, there should be people who have died, his body was buried in the ground. For them it will destroy the sanctity of the earth that resulted in the fertility of the earth.

As did a great family Tumonglo. For families Tumonglo, Ma`nene ritual is sacred and must be done. Since morning, the family is already busy with a series of rituals, starting with the cut of buffalo and pigs. For Tumonglo family and most of the other party Toraja society is inseparable whenever respect for people who will go to nirvana. Although they have a lot to embrace the divine religions, customs and traditions inherited from his ancestors is not easily abandoned.

Now, it's time Tumonglo family rituals of Ma`nene core. Under the rock tombs Tunuan This family gathered for Biu grandmother's casket Tumonglo family ancestors who died last year lowered. Not far from the cliff, the men holding hands in a circle while chanting Ma`badong. A song that symbolizes motion and wailing grief commemorate the services of deceased who died while giving encouragement to the family of the deceased.

Along with that, the coffin began to be derived from the rock hole slowly. The dull coffin containing the remains grandmother Biu. Family Tumonglo believe that there is eternal life after death. Indeed death is not the end of all the minutes of life. Therefore, it becomes an obligation for every family to remember and care for the remains of their ancestors despite having died several years ago. So can I say. May be useful. thanks.


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