Want to know the history and culture of Toraja? Please read this article.

History and explanation of the Toraja culture. Toraja tribe is the tribe who settled in the mountains of the northern part of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, precisely in Tana Toraja, North Toraja Regency, and Mamasa. Religious affiliation of the Christian religion, and others embraced Islam and animism known as Aluk To Dolo. Aluk To Dolo has been recognized by the Indonesian government as part of Agama Hindu Dharma. South Sulawesi has four main ethnic groups namely Bugis (including shipbuilders and sailors), Makassar tribe (merchants and sailors), Mandar tribe (traders, shipbuilders and sailors), and the Toraja (highland farmers).

Toraja people

The Meaning of Toraja

According to some sources the word toraja comes from the Bugis language is to Riaja, which means "one who dwells in the land above". The Dutch colonial government named this tribe in 1909. Toraja Toraja tribe famous for funeral rituals, traditional houses tongkonan and carving wood.

The entry of Christianity

Before the 20th century, the Toraja live in autonomous villages. They still embrace animism and untouched by the outside world. In the early 1900s the Dutch missionaries came and spread Christianity. After more open to the outside world in the 1970s, Tana Toraja district became a symbol of tourism in Indonesia. Tana Toraja exploited by tourism developers and studied by anthropologists. Toraja society since the 1990s experienced a cultural transformation, from traditional faiths and agrarian society, people become Christian majority and relying on the growing tourism sector.


There used to be thought that the Gulf of Tonkin, located between northern Vietnam and southern China, is home to the Toraja. Actually, the Toraja only one group of speakers. Initially, these immigrants stay on the coast of Sulawesi, but eventually moved to high ground. In the 17th century, the Dutch began making commercial and political power in Sulawesi through Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC). For two centuries, they ignored the plateau region of central Sulawesi (Toraja place to stay) because it is difficult to achieve and has little productive land. At the end of the 19th century, the Dutch began to worry about the rapid spread of Islam in South Sulawesi, especially between Makassar and Bugis tribes. The Netherlands saw Toraja embracing animism as potential targets for Christianized.

In 1920, the mission of the spread of Christianity began to run with the help of the Dutch colonial government. In addition to spreading the religion, the Dutch abolished slavery and local taxes apply. A line drawn around the area and called Tana Toraja Sa'dan. Tana Toraja originally a subdivision of the kingdom of Luwu who claim the region. In 1946, the Dutch gave Tana Toraja Regentschap status, and Indonesia recognize it as a district in 1957. The new Dutch missionaries attended received strong resistance from the Toraja for deletion lucrative slave trade lanes Toraja. Some of the Toraja have been moved to the lowlands forcibly by the Netherlands to be more easily regulated. Tax is set at a high level, with the aim of undermining the wealth of the elite of society. Nevertheless, efforts do not undermine Dutch Toraja culture, and few people Toraja who was a Christian. In 1950, only 10% of the Toraja who turned to Christianity.

Muslim residents in low-lying attacking Toraja in the 1930s. As a result, many people who want to ally with the Toraja Dutch convert to Christianity to gain political protection, and in order to form a resistance movement against the Bugis and Makassar Muslim. Between 1951 and 1965 after the independence of Indonesia, South Sulawesi experienced the chaos of the uprising launched by Darul Islam, which aims to establish an Islamic state in Sulawesi. Guerrilla war that lasted for 15 years, contributing to more and more people Toraja converted to Christianity. In 1965, a presidential decree requiring all Indonesian citizens to belong to one of five recognized religions: Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism and Buddhism. The original belief Toraja (aluk) are not legally recognized, and the Toraja attempt to oppose the decree. To make aluk in accordance with the law, he should be accepted as part of one of the official religion. In 1969, Aluk To Dolo legalized as part of Agama Hindu Dharma. So can I say. May be useful. thanks.


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