Here is how to know the philosophy of Traditional House Tongkonan in Tana Toraja

The philosophy of Traditional House of Tongkonan Tana Toraja. Indonesia has many interesting cultures. Some of them become a tourist destination for domestic and foreign tourists. One of the famous tourist attractions in Indonesia is Tana Toraja cultural tourism.

Toraja custom house
Tongkonan traditional house is a relic of ancestors architecture

Traditional house Tongkonan Tana Toraja has many tourist attractions that are very attractive for tourists. Not just because of its location away from the crowd so it feels calm and soothing. Tana Toraja can also be a tourist icon of South Sulawesi due to cultural tours and architectural relics of their ancestors in the form of traditional Tongkonan house.

Tongkonan comes from the word "tongkon" which means sitting. Tongkonan own house serves as the center of government, power, and social strata on elements of Toraja society. Traditional house Tongkonan can not be owned personally / individually because this house is an ancestral heritage of each family member or his descendants.

Tongkonan house not only serves as a traditional house. In their culture, the Torajans regard the tongkonan house as the mother, while the alang santa is his father. A row of tongkonan and alang face each other because it is considered husband and wife. Alang facing south, while tongkonan facing north.

The typical characteristic of Tongkonan traditional house to know is that traditional Tongkonan house architecture always follow the model of the village where tongkonan house is built. However, architecture will never escape from certain philosophies and grips passed down from generation to generation. His philosophy includes:

1. Layers and Shapes.
Tongkonan house has 3 rectangular shapes which means four life events in humans namely, birth, life, worship and death. The rectangular shape is also a symbol of the four wind directions. Every tongkonan house should face north to symbolize the beginning of life, while in the south back symbolizes the end of life.

2. Traditional House Building Structure Tongkonan.
The structure of the building follows the macro-cosmos structure that has three layers, namely the top, middle, and bottom.

The top is used as a place to store inheritance objects that have sacred value and objects that are considered valuable. On the roof of the house made a selection of bamboo arrangements that have been formed in such a way and then compiled and bound by rattan and fiber. This bamboo roof can last up to hundreds of years.

Tongkonan house the center has 3 parts with different functions. First serves as a space for children to sleep and living room. But sometimes, this room is also used to put offerings. The second is the living room. This room usually serves as a meeting place family, dining room, kitchen and place laid the dead. And the last room is the connecting space that is widely used by the head of the family. The bottom is used as a petition and a place to put farming tools. The foundation is made of stone carved square choices.

3. Carved wall.
Colored carvings on the walls of tongkonan houses are made of clay. Engraving always uses 4 basic colors black, red, yellow and white. For Toraja community, 4 colors have their own meaning and meaning. The yellow color symbolizes God's grace and power, black symbolizes death / sadness, the white color represents the bone which means holiness and red color symbolizes human life.

4. Buffalo horn
Tongkonan generally equipped with buffalo horn ornaments. The decor is arranged soaring at the front pole. Buffalo buffalo horn is a philosophy that is a symbol of luxury and social strata. The more horns are arranged, the higher the social strata the indigenous group owns.

Traditional house Tongkonan generally equipped with buffalo horn decoration
Buffalo horn symbolizes the social strata
That is a glimpse of the traditional house Tongkonan philosophy that became a typical home of South Sulawesi. Are you interested in visiting Tana Toraja? Take your time to enjoy the beauty of traditional house architecture in Indonesia this one. May be useful.


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